UE4 PBR code-notes
direction light
- MobileGGX.ush
- MobileShadingModels.ush
- MobileBasePassPixelShader.usf
// Specular BRDF
half CalcSpecular(half Roughness, half NoH)
return (Roughness*0.25 + 0.25) * GGX_Mobile(Roughness, NoH);
// Taken from https://gist.github.com/romainguy/a2e9208f14cae37c579448be99f78f25
// Modified by Epic Games, Inc. To account for premultiplied light color and code style rules.
half GGX_Mobile(half Roughness, float NoH)
// Walter et al. 2007, "Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces"
float OneMinusNoHSqr = 1.0 - NoH * NoH;
half a = Roughness * Roughness;
half n = NoH * a;
half p = a / (OneMinusNoHSqr + n * n);
half d = p * p;
// clamp to avoid overlfow in a bright env
return min(d, 2048.0);
// The smallest normalized value that can be represented in IEEE 754 (FP16) is 2^-24 = 5.96e-8.
// The code will make the following computation involving roughness: 1.0 / Roughness^4.
// Therefore to prevent division by zero on devices that do not support denormals, Roughness^4
// must be >= 5.96e-8. We will clamp to 0.015625 because 0.015625^4 = 5.96e-8.
GBuffer.Roughness = max(0.015625, GetMaterialRoughness(PixelMaterialInputs));
FDirectLighting DefaultLitBxDF( FGBufferData GBuffer, half3 N, half3 V, half3 L, float Falloff, float NoL, FAreaLight AreaLight, FShadowTerms Shadow )
Diffuse = AreaLight.FalloffColor * (Falloff * NoL) * Diffuse_Lambert( GBuffer.DiffuseColor );
Specular = AreaLight.FalloffColor * (Falloff * NoL) * SpecularGGX(GBuffer.Roughness, GBuffer.SpecularColor, Context, NoL, AreaLight);
float3 SpecularGGX( float Roughness, float3 SpecularColor, BxDFContext Context, float NoL, FAreaLight AreaLight )
float a2 = Pow4( Roughness );
float Energy = EnergyNormalization( a2, Context.VoH, AreaLight );
// Generalized microfacet specular
float D = D_GGX( a2, Context.NoH ) * Energy;
float Vis = Vis_SmithJointApprox( a2, Context.NoV, NoL );
float3 F = F_Schlick( SpecularColor, Context.VoH );
return (D * Vis) * F;
最小的roughness值设定 [SceneView.cpp]
void FSceneView::SetupCommonViewUniformBufferParameters
ViewUniformShaderParameters.MinRoughness = FMath::Clamp(CVarGlobalMinRoughnessOverride.GetValueOnRenderThread(), 0.02f, 1.0f);
FDirectLighting IntegrateBxDF( FGBufferData GBuffer, half3 N, half3 V, FCapsuleLight Capsule, FShadowTerms Shadow, bool bInverseSquared )
GBuffer.Roughness = max( GBuffer.Roughness, View.MinRoughness );
void GatherSpecularIBL(FMaterialPixelParameters MaterialParameters
, TextureCube ReflectionCube
, SamplerState ReflectionSampler
, half Roughness
, half IndirectIrradiance
, half MaxValue
, inout half4 ImageBasedReflections
, int ReflectionIndex
, inout half3 ExtraIndirectSpecular
, inout half2 CompositedAverageBrightness
half AbsoluteSpecularMip = ComputeReflectionCaptureMipFromRoughness(Roughness, ResolvedView.ReflectionCubemapMaxMip);
half4 SpecularIBLSample = ReflectionCube.SampleLevel(ReflectionSampler, ProjectedCaptureVector, AbsoluteSpecularMip);
SpecularIBL = RGBMDecode(SpecularIBLSample, MaxValue);
SpecularIBL = SpecularIBL * SpecularIBL; // Specular BRDF
- Private/ReflectionEnvironmentComposite.ush
- Private/ReflectionEnvironmentPixelShader.usf
IBL高光 IBL高光计算中分离和的第二部分:EnvBRDF( SpecularColor, GBuffer.Roughness, NoV ),根据roughness和dot(Normal, ViewDir)采样BRDF-LUT
float3 ReflectionEnvironment(FGBufferData GBuffer, float AmbientOcclusion, float2 BufferUV, float2 ScreenPosition, float4 SvPosition, float3 BentNormal, float3 SpecularColor)
Color.rgb *= EnvBRDF( SpecularColor, GBuffer.Roughness, NoV );